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This stunning raw Moldavite specimen features a deep olive green colour with incredible natural pitting. This is an wonderful piece to hold and work with. 

Wearing jewellery which contains Moldavite is thought to bring positive life changes while holding it can aid in meditation, dream work, and telepathy. It is believed to be an incredibly powerful stone for transformation, bringing about the changes necessary for growth. It is also a highly protective stone, sheltering the user from negative energy. Moldavite can often enhance intuition. As well, Moldavite is thought to produce physical rejuvenation and protect against the mental degeneration caused by aging. It is believed to be a good stone for ailments of the eyes and to aid in the treatment of gout. 

This Moldavite specimen weighs approximately 2 to 3 grams and measures approximately 1.5cm long by 1cm wide. Each specimen is unique. Product may not be exactly as shown in photo; picture is a typical example.

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